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How giving up chocolate can make you a better person
First published: 26 February 2018

Joanna KnightShare This
If you want to make a difference this month then it’s time to find out how giving up chocolate can make you a better person – yes, really!
Not only can taking part in the British Heart Foundation’s DECHOX this year help you swerve the chocolate box for a whole month and thus help you shift any stubborn pounds; by joining thousands of other determined fundraisers, you will help the BHF raise money for life-saving heart research.
Join the DECHOX
For those of you thinking avoiding a bar of chocolate will be easy, think again, the DECHOX includes all cocoa products, from the sprinkles atop your cappuccino to a hot chocolate itself; don’t even think about reaching for a chocolate biscuit!
But there are ways to cope! Like any detox, starting to gradually reduce your intake of chocolate before you start so it won’t come as a total shock; and be safe in the knowledge that even though you might think you’re addicted to chocolate, it’s not physically possible! The BHF has also come up with loads of great chocolate-free sweet treats to enjoy, to keep your mind off the lack of chocolate.
Sign up here
So, if you want to take part and find out how giving up chocolate can make you a better person (!), then sign up today. The British Heart Foundation raises funds to help improve the lives of babies born with heart defects, find the genes that cause inherited heart conditions and one day hopes to find a cure for heart failure and heart disease. See, we told you giving up chocolate would help make you a better person.
If you’re looking for some sweet alternatives to chocolate then try these sweet options below from Ms Geeta Sidhu-Robb, founder and CEO of Nosh Detox.
Banana ‘ice cream’
Banana ‘ice cream’ is the perfect alternative dessert. Simply peel and slice a bunch of bananas before placing them into the freezer for 2 hours. Then, just add the chopped bananas to a food processor and pulse until creamy. This dessert tastes sweet, smooth and indulgent without any added sugar. And it’s completely dairy free! Add vanilla essence drops to change the flavour.
Cinnamon Toast
Take a slice of wholemeal toast with butter and add a sprinkling of sugar before coating with as much cinnamon as you want. Cinnamon is loaded with strong anti-oxidant and anti-Inflammatory properties, meaning this simple cinnamon toast recipe will satisfy your sweet tooth and make you feel good from the inside out.
Dates make the perfect healthy snack as not only are they one of the sweetest fruits around, they have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and promote digestive and respiratory health. Replace the stone with a dollop of peanut butter for the ultimate balanced yet indulgent snack.
Peanut Butter
Swap chocolate spreads like Nutella for healthier alternatives, such as almond, cashew or peanut butter. These spreads will provide you with a filling sweet treat and the crunch you’ll be missing from chocolate bars. Consume as part of a healthy diet to reduce your risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes.
Frozen Grapes
Frozen grapes are the perfect snack food, the coldness and sweetness work perfectly together to hit the spot. Just pop a tray of grapes in the freezer for 4-5 hours to enjoy. Grapes are packed with calcium and vitamin C, and at only 110 calories per cup they make the perfect slim-line snack. Go for red grapes for the ultimate healthy boost, as they contain resveratrol, an antioxidant linked to preventing heart disease.
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