7 tips for working out in the park

23 September 2014 by
First published: 24 September 2014
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3. Plan cardio between every interval and use a timer

Pump up the intensity by keeping your heart rate up.  Plan on doing cardio during each round so the fat burning furnace keeps buzzing!  Cardio can be anything…jogging, jumping jacks, squat jumps, jump lunges, skipping (my favourite because I feel like a kid again), running up hills, or high knees. Use a timer!

Workouts planned around a clock keep you accountable and motivated.

  If you count your reps, chances are you’ll stop early. Waiting for a beep from a clock keeps you honest! I use an app on my smart phone but a second hand on your wrist watch works too!  Plan one minute for each exercise, switching without rest between sets.

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