10 ways you know you’re a wellbeing warrior

7 October 2015 by
First published: 29 April 2014

Check out our tick list to see if you’re a wellbeing warrior!

1.    You’re hooked on green juice
Spinach, kale, broccoli or cucumber… whatever the veggie, as long as it’s green, it’s getting juiced!

2.    You can bore people senseless about superfoods…
From wheatgrass to acai berries and everything in between you know your superfoods – and you just don’t get people that don’t get it.

3.    You’re bathroom cabinet is a real Aladdin’s cave…
From sulfate-free shampoos to 100% organic bath oils, you’ve tried and tested every natural beauty product there is. And you love them all!

4.    You’re obsessed with coconut oil
In stir-fries, in cakes, in your breakfast, on your hair, on your skin… Is there any end to this wonder product’s amazingness? Well, no not really.

5.    Yoga is your life…
How do people survive without at least one sun salutation a day?

6.    You buy coconut water by the ton…
Yeah it’s expensive, but think of the electrolytes! A healthy body is a hydrated body!

7.    You rattle with supplements…
From omega-3 to vitamin D, you know your vitamins and minerals inside out and wouldn’t make it through the day without your carefully curated supply of supps.

8.    You start every day with lemon and hot water…
Coffee? No thanks. The detoxifying benefits of this morning kick-starter are held in high esteem by every health guru worth their salt – or lemon.

9.    Your perfect weekend, is yoga, followed by juicing, followed by yoga, followed by juicing….
What?! It’s good for you!

10. You want to save everyone else…
Whether it’s turning your partner on to coconut oil, convincing your mum to try yoga, or showering your mates with organic beauty treats, you’re on a one-woman mission to convert the world.

So, do you know a wellbeing warrior? Share this with them!