Supplements for detoxing

7 April 2014 by
First published: 8 April 2014

If you’re detoxing it’s important to ensure you’re not missing out on key nutrients. It may sound counter-intuitive to be packing your body full of healthy juices, and missing out on nutrients, but the omission of protein and healthy fats from many detox diets means you could be going without. So check what supplements you need for detoxing

‘It is important to be careful with the restrictive programmes as the more food groups you cut out, the more you put yourself at risk of deficiencies,’ says nutrition consultant Alice Mackintosh. ‘This is especially the case for juice cleanses which are often very deficient in protein, as well as the essential nutrients found in grains, meat and oils.’

If you’re following a reputable juice cleanse or diet they should either include everything you need in that cleanse or advise you to take a supplement to ensure your get your quota of missing nutrients. A reputable cleansing company will also have a good advice line where you can ask any questions you have about this.

If you’re cleansing at home, and your cleanse involves cutting back on meat and fish, it’s a good idea to take an omega-3 and iron supplement. Plus if you’re going dairy free, it might be worth taking a calcium supplement.

Health guru Patrick Holford recommends taking an antioxidant supplement alongside a good quality multi-vitamin complex, and preferably a liver-support complex. Check out the Patrick Holford 9-Day Detox Digestive and Antioxidant pack – it’s got everything you need to keep your body on tip top form while you detox.

If you’re keen to get in a really deep cleanse and want a little extra help along the way The Organic Pharmacy’s Colon Cleanse and Gut Repair Capsules will also help to detoxify and rejuvenate for better digestion.