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Boost your run
First published: 9 March 2015

Jessica WolnyShare This
Including some basic strength work into your weekly routine won’t just help with endurance and speed – it can help injury proof your legs and even improve your running form
If you’re aiming for a new 5K PB, there’s more to it than just pounding the pavement. Jess Wolny’s workout will help boost your run in no time.
Including some basic strength work into your weekly routine won’t just help with endurance and speed – it can help injury proof your legs and even improve your running form. Here’s a short workout designed to work with your existing running plan. Do it once or twice a week, and watch your times improve.
Glute bridge – 3 sets of 10
Most people’s glutes go to sleep from sitting at a desk all day. This’ll wake them up – lie on the floor with your feet close to your bum, then press your hips into the air. Lower under control.