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Five fitness coaches you need to know about
27 December 2017
by Erica bush
First published: 25 January 2018
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Courtney Fearon – We Heart Living
Courtney Fearon
Who: @thehiitman
Where: BXR London
Why: A professional sprinter by origin, fitness coach and Nike trainer Courtney specialises in running fast, but more recently combines his expertise with HIIT, strength and conditioning for a 360-degree approach to training. Focusing on technique, his approach to fitness is unique. Combined with his humble character and playful personality, he’ll keep even the most fitness-shy coming back for more.
‘I think humans are amazing and witnessing people change is great,’ he said. ‘Regardless of someone’s ability or their goals, I attempt to treat and train them like athletes and know that goals both physical and mental can be reached that way.’
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Five fitness coaches you need to know about
Wondering which personal trainers get our vote? Keep scrolling. These fitness coaches are the ones to watch.
Erica Bush