Q&A with #RUNYOURCITY Run Club pacer Rebecca Bryant

8 October 2015 by
First published: 22 April 2015

Fresh from the gruelling Marathon des Sables ultra marathon (amazing, right?), ultra-runner Rebecca Bryant is back in town for the #RUNYOURCITY Odlo x We Heart Living Run Club.

We caught up with Rebecca to talk going off road, chai tea lattes and running the ‘toughest footrace on earth’…


So Rebecca, how did you get into running in the first place?
Well, I was pretty fast as a kid but when the teenage years hit, boys, school and dancing took over. It was when I went to Paris for a year at University and ran my first 5K called La Parisienne about 10 years ago and came in a respectable position that I rediscovered my passion for running. It was a great way to explore the city, kept me fit and appealed to my competitive nature. By the time I moved to London to start my career, I was pretty much hooked, increasing my distances gradually over the years.

What do you enjoy most about get out there for a run?
It really depends on what I’m running for. If it’s a race, I really enjoy the competition and pushing myself to the max. When training or going for a leisurely jog around the park, I enjoy the mind-space that running offers. It really clears your mind and I’m often amazed by how it helps me to prioritise my daily tasks.

What’s your preferred distance?
I have to go the whole hog and say a marathon or more. It can be tricky to get right and boy, there are times that I have started way too fast only to regret it later but I love being a long-distance runner.

What sort of training do you do?
I can train up to six times a week, mixing up shorter 10K runs with a few longer distance runs at the weekend. As much as I hate speed-work, I do try and incorporate a little bit into my routine (Fartlek and track). During the winter, I really got into off-road trails which was muddy yet invigorating. I swear it made me a stronger runner. I’m also a huge fan of fast and furious cross country. I’d say to everyone who enjoys running, erase your memory of cross country at school, join a running club and embrace the cross country league. You’ll absolutely love the camaraderie and benefits it has for both your body and mind.

What’s the best race you’ve taken part in?
Without a doubt, the Marathon des Sables 2015 (a self-sufficient multi stage race across the Sahara desert in Morocco). It was mentally and physically challenging but the pain was absolutely worth it.

What’s your next big running challenge?
Right now I am looking forward to trying my luck at the Hackney Half in May. My next big challenge is the Race to the Stones in July. I’m part of a group of Ultra running women, trying to encourage more women to up their distance.

Where would you love to run?
I would love to qualify for the New York Marathon – it’s a little pipe-dream of mine that may never happen but that would be my ultimate race to compete in.

What’s your favourite post-run snack?
Don’t laugh but a skinny chai tea latte – I don’t tend to feel hungry straight after training or a race so I try and get my protein fix via a milky drink. I also sometimes drink Maximuscle protein shakes.

What do you listen to when you run?
Everything and anything. Seriously, one minute I can be jogging along to classic ‘90s anthems or Indie rock while the next, it’ll be something classical like Holst’s The Planets. I also enjoy the occasional podcast such as Woman’s Hour and, dare I admit this, The Archers.

What are you looking forward to most about the WHL run club?
Meeting a bunch of new running folk, having a natter, running around Hackers and finding out why they signed up for the club. It’s such a fun way to kick-off summer and enjoy the longer days while training for your next big race. Fancy joining our FREE Hackney run club? Sign up here!


• Our run club is FREE!

• 5K and 8K routes

• Every Tuesday

• 6.45pm for 7pm start

• Meet at Netil 360, Netil House, Hackney, E8 3RL

• Runs supported by at least two pacers – one at the front and one at the back

• All levels of runners welcome

• Bag drop-off at a secure location at Netil House

• Fun freebies

• Run Club loyalty gifts

• Post-run drinks at Netil 360

To join our FREE Hackney run club sign up here!

For more from Rebecca check out thestyledynamo.com