Drink up

9 October 2015 by
First published: 4 June 2014

Great hydration is the key to a productive and healthy day, but getting your fill of H2O can be trickier than you might think. New research from BRITA, the water filtration experts, has revealed that many people are simply too busy to drink up.


The research showed that a huge 45% of people think they are too busy to drink water during the day. Shocking right? And a massive 62% of people only drink water when they feel really thirsty.


And these thirst levels are bad news for your workload. ‘People spend a large amount of time at work so integrating healthy habits into their day is crucial,’ says nutritionist Jo Travers. ‘Hydration is important as it has an impact on our productivity and concentration.’


And keeping your hydration levels in check could lead to unhealthy snacking, too. ‘Often dehydration is confused with hunger so a few sips of water is all you may need to stop you from reaching FOR a sugary snack,’ says Jo. ‘Dehydration can cause fatigue and lack of concentration, so getting some fluids in you will help you perk up, without having to turn to unhealthier options like caffeine or a chocolate bar.’


So, how can you keep your water levels high? Check out our top tips…


• Take a water break every half hour. Walk over to the kitchen or water fountain and top up your glass or bottle. This will also get you out of your chair and moving around more.


• Treat yourself to a fancy water bottle. Keep your bottle on your desk at all times and make it a priority to fill it up when it gets low.


• Hungry? Reach for your water bottle and take a few sips. Wait 20 minutes to see if the ‘hunger’ subsides. If not grab yourself a healthy snack like carrot sticks with houmous or nut butter on an oatcake.