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Diary date: Lululemon x Ourmala charity yoga event
First published: 22 September 2017

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Diary date: Lululemon x Ourmala charity yoga event
Global gymwear brand Lululemon has partnered with socially conscious yoga charity, Ourmala, to create a series of events with a difference this September.
The initiative
Throughout the month, Lululemon’s Sunday morning community classes have been focused on raising awareness of their social impact programme Here To Be. Lululemon launched the initiative all the way back in September 2016, but it’s still going strong today. The brand pledged to make the healing benefits of yoga and meditation accessible to under-served communities. They aimed to do this by partnering with a number of worthwhile organisations so that they can make a positive impact on people’s lives worldwide.
Lulu’s latest collab with Ourmala focuses on supporting refugees and asylum seekers. They’re doing this by helping them to rebuild their lives and integrate into society. Many of these people are recovering from atrocities such as torture, sexual violence and human trafficking. The charity uses the therapeutic and restorative nature of yoga to create a safe and stable place for them. This will help them find peace of mind while being surrounded by a supportive network. It also offers access to critical services such as housing, legal aid and healthcare. Furthermore, they’ll be provided with extra help with English classes.
The event
Lululemon and Ourmala’s partnership culminates in a one-off special yoga event on Saturday 30 September at London’s Migration Museum – and you can get your hands on a ticket. Allowing guests to perfect their downward dogs and raise funds for a great cause? The event looks set to be a huge success. Would you like to find your inner zen and make a difference at the same time? If the answer’s yes, then you should definitely consider taking part.
What to expect
Ourmala founder Emily Brett will join Lululemon global ambassador Gloria Latham to host a yoga and meditation practice to kickstart the morning. Afterwards, A short film screening will follow, highlighting the valuable work Ourmala does and the impact it has on vulnerable lives. Guests will also be able to enjoy Lululemon’s meditation bus, a silent auction, access to The Migration Museum exhibits, plus complimentary drinks and a goody bag!
The best bit? All funds will go towards supporting Ourmala’s vital work. They will contribute to their yoga, mediation classes and community support.
What are you waiting for?
Check out details and booking information here. Tickets cost £25. Arrive from 10.45am to reserve your spot. Mats will be provided. Bring a blanket or warm layer for the meditation. All proceeds from the event will be donated to Ourmala. Direct online donations to Ourmala can be made here: mydonate.bt.com/charities/ourmala.
To read about other great charity events, check out Women v Cancer Ride the Night or Jeans for Genes Day.