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3 spring foodie trends
First published: 26 February 2015
Harriet Emily SmithShare This
2. Fermented food
Look forward to seeing the words ‘kimchi’ and ‘sauerkraut’ everywhere this spring. That’s right, fermented food is booming in popularity. Being part of a staple diet in many cultures around the world, it’s now our turn to grow to love fermentation. Through the lacto-fermentation process, food like cucumber and soya beans transform into pickles and miso. This process helps to preserve foods, while also adding B vitamins, probiotics and omega-3s, which the majority of us lack in our diets. Fermented foods are the perfect aid for creating good digestive health and a good source of bacteria for the gut. They also make a cost effective way to stay healthy, as the internet is awash with quick and easy tips and recipes so you can make your own at home.