Beat tummy trouble

15 June 2014 by
First published: 6 June 2014

Bloated tum? Time to take a closer look at your diet and the foodie heroes that could come to your aid. Want to beat tummy trouble? Munch on these foods to boost digestive health

 1. Sweet potato
As if we needed another reason to love these low-GI carbohydrates. They’re rich in fibre, which will help keep your system moving, but there’s one rule – keep the skins on! Try making sweet potato fries or skin-on mash.

2. Avocado
Vitamin A-rich avocados are great for the intestines, and the healthy fats work wonders for the digestive system, too. Whether you’re a guacamole fan, enjoy the creamy green gem chopped into a salad or scoop it straight from the skin as a snack, you’re sure to find a way to get more of it into your diet.

3. Kiwi
Not only are kiwis high in fibre – essential for a healthy digestive system – but they also contain actinidine, an enzyme that helps the breakdown of protein.

4. Natural yoghurt
Steer clear of the sweet, flavoured versions, which are often laden with sugar and sweeteners and stick to ‘live’ yoghurt – it contains healthy bacteria by the truckload, which is a must for tummy health. Why not try it for breakfast with a selection of healthy berries?

5. Ginger
Ginger can eliminate gassiness and soothes the intestinal tract and is also a known anti-inflammatory. It works wonders for adding flavour to bland foods – try using it in stir-fries or even steep in hot water for a zingy tea.

6. Cucumber
Known for their detoxifying properties, cucumbers help clear the digestive system for more efficient digestion. They’re also extremely high in water – crucial to all bodily systems – as well as fibre. Munch on these as a healthy snack with a little dip.

7. Lemon and water
You’ve probably heard of health gurus kick-starting their days with hot water and lemon. Lemon juice has huge cleansing properties and helps to flush out toxins from the digestive tract. It’s also great for alkalising the body.