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The new wave of breakfast cereals
First published: 21 May 2016

Lisa NguyenShare This
Bored at breakfast times? Well check out the new wave of breakfast cereals…
Have you ever seen those memes that talk about finding the balance between a clean, healthy meal and an indulgent and very much unhealthy slab of cake? If you haven’t, we’re going to take a wild guess and say you’re not on Instagram but hey, you don’t need to be on the ‘gram to understand what’s being said. It’s not easy to listen to your inner health guru when your body craves a jar of Nutella. But what if you can’t deal with the yo-yo-ing between the two extremes any longer? What if, for breakfast, you don’t want to keep flitting from an acai bowl and a plate of perfectly-stacked fluffy pancakes covered in chocolate, peanut butter and whipped cream? Well we’ve got news. It could be small or big news – all depending how much you love convenience.
Now, you can pop into your local supermarket and buy cereals that aren’t as high-GI (and looked down upon by health experts) as they once were. Yes, that means you’ll no longer have to whip up a bircher muesli the night before or poach something before you head to work in the morning. All you’ll have to do is add the milk of your choice and you’re good to go! Can you tell we’re a sucker for time-savers? We’ve selected the top five that meet your fluctuating cravings halfway. Ranging from “so healthy you could have grown it yourself” (but you don’t have time to) to the sugary cereals from our childhood that have seen a healthy makeover, let us celebrate days of quicker, healthier breakfasts from henceforth. Enjoy!