Why we heart foam rolling

7 October 2015 by
First published: 20 March 2014

If we told you that foam rolling could get you flexible, prevent training-related injuries and boost your performance in the gym, would you believe us? Read on to find out the many reasons why we heart foam rolling.

Foam rolling has gotten massive over the last few years, and we can guarantee that if you ask any athlete, they wouldn’t finish a training session without their trusted foam roller. Not only is it way cheaper than a sports massage, but it’s so easy to do on your own and the benefits are endless, so read on to find out from chartered physiotherapist Lucy Macdonald (octopusclinic.com) just why you should invest in the humble foam roller.

1. Say goodbye to injuries
‘It can help with injury prevention by increasing circulation to the muscles and fascia. In doing this, it assists with the removal of waste products, speeds up healing and keeps soft tissues flexible.’

2. Boost flexibility
‘By increasing circulation and removing waste products, it ensures the tissues can move smoothly and freely and with greater elasticity, so that larger ranges of motion can be achieved.’

3. Perform at your best
‘Although it’s not technically rolling, a great use for a 90cm foam roller is mobilisation of the spine and training your deep core muscles. Lie on the roller lengthways, head to tail with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hover the arms with palms facing up, keep the chin tucked in, breathe from the diaphragm and contract your pelvic floor and lower abdominal muscles. Maintain this as you gently drop alternate knees out to the side, one at a time using your lower abdominals to stop you falling off. This is a great way to kick-start your stability muscles before any workout, therefore improving performance and reducing injury.’

Remember to stick to foam rolling either after a workout or as a separate session, and stick to dynamic stretching when it comes to pre-training warm-ups. Need a push in the right direction? We absolutely love the Triggerpoint GRID roller (£39.99, physical company.co.uk).