Clear you head: Spring clean your mind

29 April 2014 by
First published: 1 May 2014

If your head is starting to feel foggy and clouded, now is the perfect time to take a step back and clear out the cobwebs. Let go of anxiety, refocus, and think positive to clear your head and spring clean your mind. Get started with these easy tips.

1) Stop the chatter
If your mind feels crowded and you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed it’s time to take five. ‘Sitting or lying down, tune into the stress or anxiety you’re feeling or focus on the negative thought, memory or situation,’ says life coach Louise Presley Turner ( ‘Place your thumbs on your temples and the pads of your fingers on your forehead, just above your eyes. Hold here softly for a few minutes, breathing in and out deeply.’ It’s a quick fix to blitz that whirring mind. ‘What you’ll notice is that the stress you were experiencing reduces significantly,’ says Louise. ‘This simple tool releases tension from your body and mind and interrupts the flight or flight response. It brings blood back up to your forebrain so you can think more clearly and relax.’ Try it, it works!

2) Refocus
If you’re feeling a bit lost and lacking direction, it can be good to set yourself some new goals. But don’t go mad. ‘There is a balance,’ says Louise. ‘Yes, goal setting is awesome as it gives us focus, motivation and drives us to achieve our dreams. But it’s important that we don’t end up future tripping, thinking that our life will be OK when we have the dream job, the man, won the lottery and so on.’ You need to live for the here and now! Plus feeling lost and lacking direction can be a result of trying to do too much in the first place. ‘It’s important we don’t take on too much or this will just stress us out further, says Louise. ‘Set your goal, create your milestones, get support and then get into action. Just a few baby steps each day is more than enough!’ says Louise.

3) Go worry free
Anxiety can really hold you back if you let it take over. And glossing over the problem and pretending everything is fine won’t get you anywhere, you need to deal with the problem at source. ‘You really need to ask what is causing your underlying anxiety, is it money, work, your relationship, your health?’ says Louise. ‘Suppressing your emotions will only cause you more trouble in the long run. Once you become aware you can then take steps to improve your situation and reduce your anxiety.’ Taking time to relax and step out of the rat race can also help to relieve an anxious mind. ‘Consider meditation, as it has been proven to reduce stress, worry and anxiety,’ says Louise. ‘Just five minutes’ meditation a day will have a significant effect on your anxiety levels. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes and gently repeat the manta “I release all that is not serving me, I am at peace now”. If your mind wanders, that’s fine, just bring your attention back to your mantra. Repeat for five minutes.’

4) Think positive
Looking at the glass half empty won’t do you any good. But it can be hard to shift negative thinking patterns if they’re ingrained. ‘The best way to combat negative thinking is to start an appreciation diary as this literally interrupts your negative habitual thinking patterns and rewires your brain to focus on gratitude and joy,’ says Louise. ‘Buy yourself a nice pretty journal and each night, just before bed write between five and 20 things that you’re grateful for that day, from the socks on your feet and your evening meal to the beautiful weather. Whether you feel like it or not, do this anyway!’ says Louise. It’s a sure-fire way to remind you of all the amazing things you have in life and to be grateful for them. ‘Keep a daily log for the next 14 days and you will train your brain to start scanning the world in a brand new way, looking for all the good in your life. It’s awesome!’