Wellness coaching

7 October 2015 by
First published: 26 February 2014

Want to change up your lifestyle? Kick bad habits? Or finally reach those long-lusted after goals? Wellness coaching could be the answer


Wellness coaching, also known as life coaching, is a catch-all term to cover the advice of an expert who can support you in your quest to achieve your goals. A wellness coach can help you reach targets or create change in almost any area of your life through planning, motivation and encouragement to take action.


The idea of a wellness coach is that they help you work out exactly what you want in life and then help you put together a plan to help you get there.  A wellness coach will provide personalised support and help to put together a realistic plan that suits your lifestyle.


So, if you’ve been trying to quit smoking for years, want to lose a few pounds or find a way to reduce your stress levels, a wellness coach could be just what you need to help you bridge the gap between wanting to do something and actually doing it.