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Join the SmearForSmear Campaign
First published: 17 May 2016

Feyi TaiwoShare This
Here’s all you need to know about the SmearForSmear Campaign. As when it comes to taking a trip to the doctors, many of us avoid it. Particularly when getting regular checks on our intimate lady parts! It comes with the fear of the unknown, embarrassment, and simply not enough open discussion. So it might feel like the easiest option is to avoid it all together.
But what about when it’s life threatening? Then it becomes dangerous. So when it comes to your health, it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
For women in the UK, cervical cancer is alongside breast cancer as one of the most common cancers, but if caught early it can be avoidable. That’s why Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is urging women all over the UK to smear their lipstick and share their selfies on social media, then tag a friend, in the hope that it will raise awareness for the disease.
Cervical cancer is very serious, but is also avoidable if caught early through attending regular smear tests. However some of the 3.7 million women who are eligible to take the tests are avoiding it, and as a result, incidents of the illness have been rising by four per cent in recent years.
Rob Music, chief executive of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, says: ‘Cervical cancer is a preventable disease and we are as determined and focused on reversing the declining screening attendance. We believe the campaign’s success is in its simplicity. By encouraging women to attend cervical screening it has the potential to save countless lives, and ultimately contribute to eradicating this largely preventative and hugely devastating disease.’
So far the award-winning campaign has helped to encourage many women – with an increase of women aged between 25-29 going for smear tests – but one in three are still not attending. The help of celebs such as Rita Ora, Cara Delevingne and Georgia-May Jagger has inspired and encouraged many young women to go for the test.
The smear test itself can detect any signs of abnormal cells before they even have a chance to turn into cancer cells on the cervix – so it’s vital you’re tested. Cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is actually extremely common. In fact, four in five people are exposed to the virus and every day eight women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, with three of these sadly losing their lives. But all of this can be avoided. So take the plunge and get tested now!
If you’d like to get involved and join the SmearForSmear campaign, here’s how it works:
1) Put on your lipstick, smearing it across your lips/cheeks.
2) Take your #SmearForSmear selfie.
3) Share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) using #SmearForSmear and nominate a friend.
For more information please visit jostrust.org.uk/smearforsmear