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How to lose weight fast
First published: 11 September 2016

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Learn how to lose weight fast with our handy tips. As it can often be a long process getting down to your perfect weight, which isn’t ideal when you need to drop the pounds pronto for an upcoming holiday or party. So here’s how to cut corners for maximum results.
As an overall guide, personal trainer Amanda Hughes (@amandahughespt) advises to: ‘cut out refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods from your diet, increase your protein intake and include heathy fats and carbs from nutrient=dense sources. Then hit the gym for some HIIT sessions – as this will help you to burn fat for energy and spike your metabolism for hours after the session.’ Read on to find out how to melt away that fat in no time…
Lift weights
Many people think that lifting weights makes a women bulky, but this is simply not true. Lifting weights is one of the quickest and most effective ways to lose weight. This is because it builds lean muscle, and the more lean muscle you have the more fat you will burn. Start off small to refine your technique and then build up to heavier weights as you improve. You’ll be seeing results in no time.
Mix up your routine
If you stick to just one routine in the gym your body will quickly get used to it and you will hit a plateau. Shock your body by changing your routine, and hit it with things it doesn’t expect.
Try to switch things up each day. One day hit the treadmill for some cardio and then the next head to the weights room. It’s always best to leave your body guessing.
Change your diet
Diet is key when it comes to weight loss. As they say – abs are made in the kitchen. Just like exercise, if you stick to the same foods your body will soon get used to it and start to plateau. You need to keep it guessing and incorporate lots of different, healthy foods into your diet. It’s been proven that the 5:2 diet is very effective when it comes to weight loss. This involves eating normally five days of the week, but fasting for two. It’s the perfect way to keep your body on its toes.
Ditch the junk
It’s true when people say you can’t out-train a bad diet. If you’re going full throttle in the gym, but heading straight to the fridge afterwards for some cheese and cake, you simply won’t see results. Make sure you limit processed sugars, processed foods and alcohol, as these are all empty calories. Replace with lots of lean meats, fresh vegetables and healthy fruits.
Incorporate HIIT
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is the quickest and most effective way to burn fat fast. You work at your maximum for a number of seconds/minutes and then recover for half that time before going again. It works by pushing your body to its metabolic limits, then allows you to recover. This type of training ensures that you actually carry on burning calories after your workout had ended!