Holistic health

7 October 2015 by
First published: 14 February 2014

You’ve probably heard of naturopathy, acupuncture and homeopathy, but do you really know what they’re all about? You may think holistic therapies are the preserve of dedicated yogis and the like, but they’re growing in popularity and can offer a pretty impressive range of health benefits – plus they’re completely natural. So we’ve put together a quick rundown of some of the most popular offerings to get you started.

This is the practice of using herbal medicine, nutrition and acupuncture to try to heal the body. The idea is that your practitioner will try to establish the root cause of your symptoms and prescribe a course of action – usually lifestyle changes – to address this. If you don’t feel you and your GP are getting anywhere with a certain niggle, it may be seeing a naturopath to work out the underlying cause of your problem.

Try it: Check out naturopathy-uk.com to find your nearest naturopath

This is a form of Chinese medicine based around the idea of ‘qi’ or the life force or energy that flows around your body. Acupuncture aims to relives ‘blockages’ of this energy through the insertion of needles into the skin – it sounds scary, but don’t panic, it’s actually relatively painless! These sterile needles are inserted into the skin at important points in the body to rejuvenate the flow of energy and restore balance. It’s thought to be a great treatment for depression and back pain.

Try it: Head to acupuncture.org.uk to find a local practitioner

Often confused with naturopathy, homeopathy is also a system of natural medicine. However homeopathy revolves around the idea that treating health problems with a diluted substance (of the same substance that causes the symptom) can help to relieve or stop symptoms in their tracks. The idea is that like cures like. It’s the ideal remedy for smaller issues such as bites, stings, bruises, and cough and colds.

Try it: findahomeopath.org.uk is a great place to find a local homeopath


Top 3 holistic health reads
Find out more about a natural approach to health with these great reads

1. Good Medicine by Patrick Holford, £14.99, patrickholford.com
Health guru Patrick Holford excels himself in this bible of natural remedies. From beating PMS to nixing nasty headaches, Patrick has a natural solution for every health dilemma.

2. True Happiness by Mark Atkinson, £14.99, amazon.co.uk
Medical doctor and emotional health expert Mark Atkinson helps you live a fuller and happier life by finding your true self.

3. Llewellyn’s Herbal Almanac£10.56, amazon.co.uk
This do-it-yourself guide to a natural and healthier life is well worth a read if you’re serious about transforming your health the natural way. It’s a really interesting look at everything humble herbs have to offer.

For more holistic health options or to book an appointment check out the websites below:

Holistic Health Hackney

Helix Clinic

The Acupuncture Works