Gut bacteria: what’s the big deal?

20 April 2017 by
First published: 8 October 2016

Gut bacteria: what’s the deal? Read on to find out…

There’s a pretty big chance you’ve heard people talking about gut bacteria, although perhaps you still don’t really know why it’s such a hot topic. Well, your gut is incredibly important for supporting the overall health of the rest of your body.

We were desperate to find out more, so we spoke to Sarah Wilson, founder of blog and wellness company I Quit Sugar, who gave us expert tips and advice on maintaining a healthy gut. You may discover that an unhealthy gut has been holding you back for many years. Here are five things you didn’t know about gut bacteria that could help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Don’t be afraid of dirt

Having a greater bacteria diversity in your gut means that you’ll have less risk of allergies. So, it turns out, the world’s current obsession with cleanliness is actually making us sick! Therefore, using products such as antibacterial hand wash can be detrimental to your health. On top of that, you shouldn’t be scared of a little bit of dirt on your vegetables. Your gut microbiome comprises 80 per cent of your immune system. Leaving a teensy bit of dirt on your veggies will add soil-based organisms to your gut which, through a process of gene swapping with the microbiome, have been found to strengthen the immune system.

Go for gelatin

You may always think of gelatin as that ingredient that you always find in Haribo, but gelatin is extremely good for your gut. Eating it can help restore your gut lining, which is beneficial for the development of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in your microbiome. It heals your gut’s lining by enhancing gastric acid secretion and restoring a healthy mucosal lining in your stomach. So, as guilty as you may feel for enjoying some jelly for dessert, consuming the gelatin in food products like jelly and marshmallows can have fantastic benefits for your gut. However, make sure you opt for the healthier versions of food products. This doesn’t mean it’s good to binge on sweets every day!

Say no to sugar

We were always told growing up that we shouldn’t have too much sugar and our parents definitely knew what they were talking about, even if we didn’t like hearing it. Sugar is one of your microbiome’s worst enemies. It promotes the growth of bad bacteria in the gut and hampers the growth of the good stuff. It’s healthy to have some bad bacteria is your gut as you have greater bacteria diversity, but it’s definitely not a clever idea to stop good bacteria from growing by having too many sugary drinks or foods in your diet. Say no to sugar!

Be pro probiotics

There’s no doubt you’ve seen a headline somewhere about how healthy probiotics are for you. We have news for you – that’s absolutely true! Probiotics fuel the good bugs in your gut. Add foods rich in the stuff to your diet – try yoghurt, kefir and fermented foods. Prebiotic foods, such as raw onions, garlic and Brussels sprouts also encourage the right kind of bacteria to hang around in your belly.

Happy gut, happy life

Having a healthy gut isn’t just about improving the overall health of your body, it can also bring you bounds of happiness as well! In fact, 80-90 per cent of serotonin (your happy chemical) is produced in your gut. So if you want to make sure you’re fuelling those happy hormones, keep your gut happy!