How fitness writers stay fit

17 December 2014 by
First published: 8 January 2015
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Sarah Ivory, fitness editor at Health & Fitness

‘My training is a bit haphazard because I’m battling a running niggle and having to replace running with spinning or swimming. Normally, however, I’ll train with my running club three times a week and then add a long run and one or two recovery runs or swims into the mix. I do plenty of cycling on the spin, road or mountain bike, too. I have at least one day off every week – hard training sometimes means my body needs more. I always listen to my body because I’d rather do three or four good quality sessions than six junk ones. Spin is hands-down my favourite gym class but I do a lot of endurance strength classes like BodyPump to get my conditioning work in.

We Heart Living - Sarah Ivory

We Heart Living – Sarah Ivory

‘I’d been trying to crack 85 minutes for a half marathon for years and then one day, in a race I was doing for fun, I clocked 82.34 and won. That’s been my greatest fitness achievement. I was pretty pleased about that. I’m also really proud of cycling Land’s End to John O’Groats unsupported with my fiancée – a fantastic experience.

‘I have a #30b430 bucket list, which I’ve been working on (I think I’ve ticked off five of the first 10 – argh!). I’d love to do the UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc), even though it’s a crazy long way, and I’ll probably have to do an Ironman one day as well.’

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