How fitness writers stay fit

17 December 2014 by
First published: 8 January 2015
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Annie Rice, writer at Runners World UK

‘I tend to exercise everyday. The first thing I do in the morning after a cup of tea is half an hour of yoga at home then I’ll usually go to the gym to swim, do some strength training or bike intervals. I sustained a stress fracture to my femur in a marathon this year so I’ve had to find things other than running to stay sane. After seven months of recovery I’m now back to running three times a week for about 25 minutes. I also cycle to work and sometimes fit in a lunchtime class of yoga or something else. I usually have one day off from intense stuff every week but still do yoga every morning.

We Heart Living - Annie Rice

We Heart Living – Annie Rice

‘I’m training as a yoga teacher at the moment so that’s a massive focus for me and I’m loving the process. My favourite style is vinyasa, but I actually love nearly all classes, except the dance-style ones with too much choreography as I’m hopeless with my lefts and rights. But I have a lot of fun in anything from HIIT to spin; I like to be pushed and I love doing it to epic, cheesy music. I’m one of those annoying people who high fives at the end of classes.

‘I did the London marathon last year. It was my first one and was really important for me emotionally as well as physically to prove that I could do it. I did do it, without stopping or walking and had one of the best days of my life. Afterwards I felt like I could do anything (except walk down the stairs). I do really want to try paddle boarding, too. And one day I want to learn how to surf.’

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