Feel Amazing For Summer: Part 2

20 July 2015 by
First published: 26 July 2015

Follow health, fitness and well-being expert Faith Shorney as she explains what it takes to be body-confident in Feel Amazing For Summer: Part 2.


After the recent #bikininbodyready debacle and the press surrounding it, it’s no wonder we are being a little more cautious with our words on the touchy subject of bodies and bikinis. But, there’s no denying it: it’s getting warmer by the day and millions of women are opting in for diets and belly-busting workouts to get them in shape for their summer holiday.

It’s not just for the holidays either; it’s starting to get pretty hot at home and the short shorts and miniskirts are making an appearance. Have you ever done that thing where you put on a pair of shorts, then take them off… then throw on a dress, then take it off…. then put on another dress, then take it off, because it’s hot and uncomfortable, and you feel huge in every single thing you’ve tried on and nothing seems to be working so you might as well just stay home instead of going out with your friends?

We’ve all been there, or at least I know I have. Your mind goes on a little rampage and you’re left feeling ugly and the whole thing is far too frustrating to deal with. It makes you feel completely helpless in the face of the summer heat and the ridiculous fashion choices you’re forced to make.


It’s all in your head

No, I don’t mean that you can ‘think yourself thin’, although I’m sure you can. I just mean that when it comes to the matter of body confidence, we all know that we could practise a little more self-love. I spent years believing I was fat, when at the time I was a measly size 6, had horrific acne, brittle hair and a poor diet that included a ferocious battle with bulimia for nearly six years. I was, in all honesty, desperately unhappy, and the fat girl in my head just kept battling with me through every meal.

If we are going to change the way our body looks and feels, we are going to have to start changing the way we think first. We have to start loving the person we are, before we can be better. If you believe that a better body is going to make you happy, you are sorely mistaken; real happiness is developed over time, through self-loving practices and the willingness to accept where we are on our journey, and who we are in this moment. I train because I love my body, not because I hate it, and that is why I want to help you do the same.


Being more than just body confident

The stronger I get, the more I love my body. The more I love my body, the harder I work.

I’m now entering week six of my 12-week programme with W10 Performance and their amazing team, and I can honestly say, I’ve never been stronger. I managed two unassisted pull-ups and 50 full press-ups today… And it’s not just the training that’s making me happy, although it plays a huge part. Obviously, I love getting sweaty, and when I don’t train for a few days I notice I real dip in my moods and focus – but there’s something else too.

I’m by no means perfect, my training has been inconsistent, I’ve had a few weeks off here and there and I know my progression would be much better if I’d been sticking to my routine and not taking time off, but life happens and we can’t always see what’s coming. Thing is, I notice a HUGE difference in my work, my mood, my emotional state, my energy levels and focus when I have a few days off, and getting back into training is always harder, so I am committing to six weeks of solid training to see how much more I can achieve when I really put my mind to it.


A solid commitment

The reason I want to commit is simple: I know that being strong and healthy makes me feel amazing, but it’s also improved my relationships, my business success and my overall health. I am working better than ever, and my confidence in myself is growing, not only in my body-confidence, but in every area of my life. I am taking on new coaching clients every day, I am busier and happier in my work, I am more productive and I still find time to do all the things that make me happy. I want to keep climbing this ladder, to see how high it goes, because I honestly believe we all have the potential to be happier every day – and that there really is no limit.