Feel Amazing For Summer: Part 1

10 July 2015 by
First published: 13 July 2015

Follow health, fitness and wellbeing expert Faith Shorney as she explains what it takes to be body-confident in Feel Amazing For Summer: Part 1.

Why is it that so many of us suffer in silence with our body-image issues? At this time of year especially, with the pressure to fit into our summer clothes and get that ‘beach body’ in time for our holiday, we seem to add an extra pressure to ourselves to fit the stereotype, often at the expense of our health. The societal pressures we face are enormous, and it’s no wonder girls and women all over the world are facing health issues, eating disorders and depression.

Over the years, I’ve spent more than my fair share of days on the scales, in front of the mirror, or with my fingers down my throat, trying in vain to achieve the body that I thought would make me happy, successful and attractive. I’ve measured and weighed food, counted calories, over-exercised and under-eaten until I was desperately unhappy, unhealthy and I’m sure, unattractive. Perhaps not physically, but I was desperately uncomfortable in my own skin and lacking in self-esteem, and this pattern was reflected in all parts of my life, including my relationships, my career and my home life.


The turning point

It took a few very terrifying experiences and a lot of very low days for me to come to my senses, and even then, the process of change has taken me several years. It’s not always easy to un-learn all the bad mindset patterns we spend our lives reinforcing, but it IS possible and it is most definitely worth it. It’s been an interesting journey of discovery that has lead me to true happiness, and I hope that in sharing it with you, that you too will start down the path to finding the best version of yourself. The best part is, the path is never ending, there is no ‘peak’ to being happy; every day is an opportunity to improve and grow, and to find new levels of happiness and joy.

I wanted to develop a 12-week ‘programme’ that would enable you to be happier and to help you kickstart your journey into optimum health and wellbeing, both inside and out. Then I realised that I need to lead by example; I’ve just started out on my 12-week journey and I’m excited to share this with you. This isn’t about being perfect, this is about living a balanced, healthy life that is sustainable and suited to you. So here are the top 10 things I’m focusing on that I would love you to try, even if you just start with one of these each week.


Boost your physical wellbeing

  1. Do exercise that makes you happy

Allow yourself the freedom to do the kinds of exercise that make you really happy, create a regime from the stuff that you’re happy to get out of bed for and look forward to at the end of the day. If you want to do something, you will always find the time for it. I love yoga, climbing, heavy lifting and anything outdoors, so I’m trying to fit in as much of these as possible.


  1. Be held accountable

Get a personal trainer, join a small group fitness class or drag your friends into working out with you. I have joined an amazing gym in London called W10 Performance, which combines semi-private training (up to three people) and CrossFit-style workouts to help keep me in shape. I really enjoy the personal attention and accountability, and the fast pace of the classes means I don’t have time to get bored.


  1. Sleep

Get enough sleep for your body. Most of us need between six and eight hours, and I can assure you, most of us don’t get that. Buy a fitness tracker with a sleep monitor – I use the FitBit Surge, which is their most advanced model and will help you keep track of your sleep time, and more importantly, the quality of your sleep.


  1. Eat things that feel good

I’m not talking about the instant satisfaction of a chocolate or dessert (which is often coupled with guilt and shame after the third helping), I mean things that make you feel REALLY good, both physically and mentally.


  1. Get outside

It’s incredible how little time we actually spend outside. I know British weather isn’t always the best, and most of us are tied to office jobs and desks, but whenever you get the chance to escape the city or just find a park, go and do it. The revitalising effects of nature are endless – especially walking barefoot.


Get in the right mindset

  1. Cultivate awareness

Does your diet and exercise regime make you happy? What do you think when you think about your self-image? Cultivate an awareness of the thoughts and the story you tell yourself about your body and your health.


  1. Figure out what makes you truly happy, and go do it

Write a list of things that make you happy, and then write a list of all the things you do every day. Compare the lists… Where in your life can you begin making changes that allow you to do more of what makes you happy, and less of everything else.


  1. Disconnect and connect

Take time out away from mobile and communications devices to connect with yourself, or with friends and family. Getting our minds into a more relaxed and receptive state allows us to think creatively and more effectively. It also reduces stress and anxiety, and helps us work and sleep better.


  1. Develop a growth mindset

The difference between a fixed and growth mindset is simple. A fixed mindset says, ‘This is how it is’ and a growth mindset says, ‘It could be more.’ A growth mindset looks at everything as an opportunity to develop or change the situation.


  1. Nurture your sense of gratitude

Being grateful for everything we have, in each moment, allows us to let go of the feeling of lack in our lives, it quells worry and relieves stress, allowing us to find a sense of happiness and fulfilment. I’ve practised it to the point where I am grateful for both the good and ‘bad’ in my life.