Beat those January blues this Blue Monday

20 April 2017 by
First published: 11 January 2016

Don’t let Blue Monday get you down! January 18 this year isn’t just any day – it’s Blue Monday, supposedly the most depressing day of the entire year. However, the concept of Blue Monday has only been around for the past decade or so.

It was first publicised in 2005 as part of a press release from holiday company Sky Travel. The date was apparently calculated using an equation, although it’s been deemed nonsensical by scientists. The date was used to help the travel company figure out when people would be tempted to book holidays and considered many factors such as time since failing New Year’s resolutions and the horrible weather. Even though the idea behind Blue Monday was originally a marketing strategy, that doesn’t stop us feeling down in the dumps around this time of year. It’s not all bad news though – you can make yourself feel a whole lot better using a few simple techniques.

Here are 5 ways that you could boost your mood this Blue January.

Get some fresh air

As children, we were always encouraged to play outside. As adults, we forget that fresh air is actually really good for us and can drastically improve mood. The amount of serotonin in your system is affected by the amount of oxygen that you inhale. Serotonin is a chemical in the body that’s believed to control your mood balance, so getting some fresh air will not only make you feel happier, but can be beneficial for your health, too.

Eat breakfast

Don’t. Miss. Breakfast. You should be working your morning routine around eating breakfast, not the other way around! Breakfast has been linked to many health benefits, including weight control, better concentration and improved productivity. Starting your day off on the right foot can affect how the rest of your entire day will play out. Let’s face it; you’ll never be in a good mood on an empty stomach. Hangry much?


Many of us groan at the prospect of exercise. Why can’t I achieve a killer bod while sitting on the sofa? However, exercise isn’t just good for toning and shaping, although these are obviously great pay-offs. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that trigger feelings of positivity and happiness. Working out will make you look good and feel amazing at the same time. Sign us up.

Listen to music

Music has the power to make us feel sad, empowered, excited and happy, among loads of other emotions. Listening to music is an incredibly effective way to cheer yourself up almost instantly. If you’re having a miserable day, plug in your headphones during your commute to work or pop the radio on in the office. Playing some tunes will reduce your anxiety and make you feel so much better.

Get more sleep

Making sure that you get a decent amount of sleep every night can benefit your heart, weight and mindset. Feeling energised will also make you feel ready to take on the day! Your creative juices will flow, your attention will spike and your smile will widen from ear to ear. Once you have a good sleeping routine sorted, you’ll definitely be on track for a happy and healthy lifestyle.