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Ace your morning
First published: 25 May 2015

Kate HarrisonShare This
You’re not the only one smitten with the snooze button, so we’ve asked five experts to help you rise early and ace your morning for boosted productivity and a generally healthier you.
Morning people – you know the type. Out of bed at the crack of dawn with a coffee and a smile, or in the park cracking out their vinyasa. Love them or hate them, it’s undeniable that getting up fresh and early has its perks. Benjamin Franklin famously said, ‘Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ We agree.
But it can be hard not to turn over and go back to sleep. Read on to find out how 5 of our favourite health and fitness gurus embrace their early starts to make the most of their days!
‘I like to walk to the station and take in nature’
Lifestyle blogger and Pilates instructor Lottie Murphy preaches the benefits of good nutrition in the morning to get you going. She enjoys a hot water with lemon, apple cider vinegar and honey to rehydrate after a hot shower, followed by a healthy and filling breakfast. Lottie suggests a superfood smoothie or, to fuel more hectic days, quick and filling quinoa porridge or avocado and egg on rye toast.
Early bird Lottie likes to get out into natural light and fresh air to start her day. If you’ve had a late night or need an extra energy boost, she recommends a bulletproof coffee – coffee with a blast of coconut oil. Starting your morning with coconut oil is a great way to turbo-charge your metabolism, and the lauric acid in the oil can also prevent infections by killing off bacteria. Find out more about the superpowers of coconut here.