5 ways you can make the most of the sun

20 April 2017 by
First published: 27 May 2016

It’s always annoying when the sun is out and you have to work indoors, but here are 5 ways you can make the most of the sun…

It’s safe to say the recent sunny days have prompted near-on hysteria in the WHL office. Summer is indeed coming and we are beyond excited! We love the way it brightens our mornings and it’s the perfect excuse to start rocking the shades and summer wardrobe again. It’s also really good for us, too. Vitamin D has several important functions, including regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body – nutrients that are vital in keeping our bones and teeth healthy, and a lack of which can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. But even if the sun is out, work commitments and constraints mean a lot of us are missing out on those beautiful rays. So here’s how to get your daily dose of sunshine and get the most out of the sun. Don’t forget that suncream though…

Take your workout outside

Who wants to be stuck on a treadmill when it’s so beautiful outside? Taking your workout outdoors is a fun, easy way to lap up the sun and it offers you a chance to mix up your workout, too. Go for a run around your local area, make the most of your local park (benches, for example, are a great workout tool) or follow a workout routine in the garden; the sun will not only spur you on, but you may get a cheeky tan, too!

Walk to work

Skip the tube, train or bus this summer and take a jaunt outside if you can. Walking to work not only gets you out in the sun, but it’s also so much better for you, burning way more calories than commuting on a bus or train. And if you can’t walk the whole way, how about hopping off a stop or two early? Getting out into the sun will ensure you start your day right.

Eat lunch outside

Hate missing out on a sunny day because you’re stuck in the office? While most of us have work commitments in the day, how you spend your lunch is down to you, so how about getting outside to eat yours? Find a nearby park, a sunny rooftop or a nice table outside a cafe – those extra 30 minutes of sunshine and vit D will do you wonders and will have you refreshed and revitalised for an afternoon’s work.

Explore local outdoor pools

The UK has a wealth of outdoor pools, so next time it’s sunny how about getting out and giving them a go? Swimming is super fun and good for you, plus, if the sun’s out you may just feel like you’re on holiday! Pop in before work or enjoy the day there, it’s sure to be time well spent.

Take the dog for a walk

Let’s be honest, walking the dog in the wintertime can sometimes be a bit of an effort: lashing rain and biting cold isn’t what we’d necessarily venture out into voluntarily after all. But with summer on its way, the whole process turns into one we can actually look forward to. Going on a jaunt with your canine friend is a great excuse to get out into the great outdoors, get some sunshine on your face and soak up your surroundings while getting some exercise in at the same time. Haven’t got a dog? Borrow a friend’s!