5 ways to build gym confidence

20 April 2017 by
First published: 19 September 2016

Does exercising in a gym make you feel nervous? Here are 5 ways to build gym confidence

There is nothing worse than not feeling confident in yourself and the way that you look. A new survey has revealed that 67 percent of 1,000 British mothers said they do not feel confident enough to wear a bikini, while 65 percent revealed they feel judged when they put on a swimming suit or bikini, with just under half (42 percent) describing it as ‘awkward’ while a further 30 percent labelled the experience as ‘horrible’.

When you feel down about your figure, the thought of putting on your running gear and exercising in front of a gym full of people seems terrifyingly daunting. It is hard to break through the barrier of self-doubt when you think everyone will laugh at you because of the way you look. If you want to head to your nearest gym but are feeling nervous, here are some good ways to make you feel better about lacing up your trainers and getting fit.

Go with a group of friends

Plan to go on a bi-weekly basis, and make sure that you all stop each other from flaking out. Once it is planned, make it a chilled social occasion, so you can talk and relax. You can also ask your friends for help if you’re not sure what to do on one of the machines or specific exercises. It always helps to be part of a group to make yourself feel less self-conscious when you’re working out as well.

Treat yourself to some new gym kit

Getting yourself feeling confident and on top of your game will definitely encourage you to walk through the gym doors. Sometimes half of you feeling self-conscious is that you don’t feel like you fit in with the experienced gym-goers, so looking the part should help. Spending a lot of money will also make you more likely to go just to make it seem worth it.

Progress slowly

Start your goals at something really close to your actual capability and increase it at a realistic pace. If you push yourself to breaking point every time you go to the gym because you don’t have a proper plan, you will start to really hate every second and find every excuse not to go. Also don’t look at anyone else’s machine, because running slower than someone else and struggling more than them will do nothing for your confidence. Push yourself, but at a comfortable pace so that you can actually enjoy it.

Take a class and head to straight to the back

Classes are a great way to not only exercise, but to get yourself out of your own head. Get to the studio early so you can pick a good spot and see other people exercise and realise they’re not much better than you. Some may even be worse. If you feel like you’re uncoordinated, it will be good to watch and follow the lead of other people. It is a great way for putting exercise into perspective – there are a ton of people out there who are just like you, and are exercising to self-improve, not because they’re the fittest person in the gym.

Speak to a personal trainer at the gym

Get the lowdown from the gym website before you go, as they usually have tutorials. Knowing how to strut into the gym, get onto a machine and get your best workout, and knowing exactly where to go in the gym is a sure-fire way to make you feel more comfortable when you get there.