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Great alternatives to coffee
First published: 20 September 2016
sasha morrisShare This
Matcha Green Tea Vanilla Latte
Matcha has recently hit a surge in popularity for being the nutritious version of coffee. It’s crushed whole tea leaves, but has double the caffeine of green tea (68mg per cup). People love it because it gives them the energy boost they need, but it is a natural uplift rather than a modified stimulation. This is due to the large amounts of phyto-nutrients that causes the caffeine to be released into the bloodstream slowly over six to eight hours, rather than an almost instant boost. This means that you will get that perk up you need, without the crash in blood sugar later in the day. Buy this ready-made, and super yummy matcha vanilla latte for a great start to the day that will keep you feeling fabulous.
£11.99 for 50g