Follow these 5 tricks to get toned this summer

20 April 2017 by
First published: 6 August 2016

Follow these 5 tricks to get toned this summer and you’ll be on your way to a slimmer, confident and healthier you!

Summer calls for swimsuits, ice-cold cocktails and exotic beach destinations, so, it’s important to look beach-ready. Summer has arrived, and those of us who have not succumbed to intense workout regimes and diet fads are left behind scrambling for a last-minute fix for our love handles and muffin tops. However, don’t sweat it. There is still hope for those of us who’ve yet to put down the chocolate and pick up the celery stick. So get yourself beach ready this summer with these tricks to tone, slim down your thighs, get rid of love handles, lose body fat and get abs fast!


Reduce your sugars and carbs

Starchy and sugary foods are often the culprits of weight gain. These foods raise blood sugar levels and stimulate the secretion of insulin (the main fat storage hormone in the body). But when insulin levels go down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores, and the body starts burning fat instead of carbs. Cut down on these foods and you’ll slim down in no time!


Pick up the weights

Start incorporating weights into your gym routine. We’re not talking about squatting 100kg at one go, but instead, try to add weights to your lunges, squats, deadlifts, burpees, etc. This will make your workouts more intense, and thus, build your muscle tone. Your body will get used to doing the same exercises each day, and they will start to have little or no effect to your body. So, increasing the load of a weight will increase the intensity of your workouts, and confuse your body – leading to more muscle tone. And no ladies, heavy weights will not make you bulky like a man, contrary to popular belief.


Add some cardio

Doing cardio two to three times a week will help you shed extra body fat. By shedding off that layer of fat, you will reveal all that muscle (including your abs) hiding beneath, making your body look more toned and defined. Losing body fat is the secret to getting abs. Everyone has abs, but it’s about how much body fat you have covering your abs. Cardio consists of any moderate physical activity that spans for 45 – 60 minutes. This can be anything from running, brisk walking or using the elliptical machine, to attending a kickboxing class. Find a form of cardio that you enjoy, and get moving!


Eat more protein

Protein helps to synthesis muscle growth. So eating more protein means you’ll build more muscle, thus achieving a toned and chiselled look. Protein also helps you to stay fuller for longer. This can save you from binging on extra calories, and curb your appetite. However, eating more protein alone will not necessarily help you shed excess weight in a healthy way. When consumed in excessive amounts it can still lead to weight gain, much like eating excess carbs or fat. If you’re training in the gym and eating three servings of protein a day you are on the right track. Consider having a high protein snack right after a training session when your body is more sensitive to nutrients, so your muscles can repair and grow.


Drink green tea

Green tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants, and studies show that drinking green tea everyday can lead to weight loss. Green tea can help mobilise fat from cells, and contains a compound called EGCG – a substance that, according to some studies, can boost your metabolism. However, this only works if you drink four to six cups of green tea a day. Try matcha green tea, as it’s a highly-concentrated form of green tea, and apparently one teaspoon of matcha is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of green tea. So get drinking away!