5 new ways to get more protein

20 April 2017 by
First published: 10 September 2016
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Pulsin' Ltd - Pulsin and Beond Protein Products - 13.6.2016 Picture by Antony Thompson - Thousand Word Media, NO SALES, NO SYNDICATION. Contact for more information mob: 07775556610 web: www.thousandwordmedia.com email: antony@thousandwordmedia.com The photographic copyright (© 2016) is exclusively retained by the works creator at all times and sales, syndication or offering the work for future publication to a third party without the photographer's knowledge or agreement is in breach of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, (Part 1, Section 4, 2b). Please contact the photographer should you have any questions with regard to the use of the attached work and any rights involved.

Pulsin Organic Sunflower Protein

Pulsin’s Organic Sunflower Protein is one of the most versatile sources of protein out there. The sunflower protein isn’t flavoured, so you can add a sprinkle of extra protein to any dish, from your morning porridge to a steaming tomato soup. It’s vegan friendly and has a 45 per cent protein content, so anyone searching specifically for a dairy-free source of protein is in luck! We have no doubt you’ll soon be wondering how on earth you spent your days without such a fantastic addition to your diet.

250g for £7.99, 1kg for £24.99, 5kg for £70, pulsin.co.uk

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