5 easy ways to motivate yourself this month

14 October 2015 by
First published: 14 October 2015

If you’ve started to hit ‘play’ on your newest boxset while hitting ‘pause’ on your gym routine, it’s time you got yourself motivated again. After all, you don’t want to waste all that hard work you put in during the summer. Here are some great ways to keep you motivated this month.

Get your Instagram on
One brilliant incentive is to follow inspirational fitness accounts on Instagram, and we don’t just mean checking out six-packs. For real Insta-inspo follow awesome sporty types like Jessica Ennis-Hill, or adventurers like Challenge Sophie, who are keeping fit doing what they love.

Get stuck into a new workout
Check out Kayla Itsines’ Instagram account for healthy eating ideas and training tips, and to see amazing client transformation stories. You can also try her Bikini Body Guide for free (for seven days) by signing up to her website.

And Joe Wicks’ 90 Day SSS promises to ‘transform your body and the way you see nutrition forever.’ A great solution for a new long-term approach to diet and exercise.

Challenge yourself
Whether it’s by shaking up your usual routine or committing to your first race, trying something new is a fantastic way to reignite your passion for exercise. Completing challenges is something many people get hooked on very quickly, as they are a great way of testing yourself. There are so many awesome events to choose from, whether it’s a charity run like the Race For Life 5k, or something more gruelling like the Iron Man race. There really is something out there for everyone. Check out timeoutdoors.com for details of events, challenges and clubs that will get your blood pumping.

Get into the groove
Just hearing a tune you love can sometimes be enough to spur you into action. Invigorate your workout during the rainy months by mixing up your playlist. Spotify and Sound Cloud are both great places to discover new artists that will help get you moving. Investing in a couple of new items for your workout wardrobe can also be a brilliant way of galvanizing yourself.

Motivating yourself to exercise is easier if you have a friend to do it with. Find a ‘fitness buddy’ who shares similar interests and goals to you and set tasks to do together. So if one of you falls off the fitness wagon, the other is there to set you back on the straight and narrow. And if your mates are all gym-shy, then joining a class or finding a personal trainer can also be great solutions to stick to your goals.