5 easy ways to be healthy

21 August 2014 by
First published: 26 August 2014
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From feeling more energetic to staying slender – being healthy doesn’t need to be a chore. Here are 5 easy ways to be healthy

We all want to be healthier, but the time, effort and cost might sometimes put us off. But feeling more lively, being a healthier weight and having a strong immune system don’t necessarily mean you have to turn your lifestyle on its head. Even little day-to-day tweaks can have huge pay-offs, and before you know it, you’ll be glowing and full of beans. Check out these top tips from NutriCentre nutritionist Cassandra Barns.

1. Switch from refined carbs to whole grains
‘Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice and pasta have had many of their nutrients stripped away in the refining process, so provide little more than ‘empty calories.’ Wholegrains contain more vitamins and minerals to support overall health, as well as more fibre. In addition to supporting a healthy digestive system, fibre helps to slow down absorption of the carbohydrates, preventing the spikes and dips in blood sugar that can occur when you eat refined carbs that are quickly absorbed. Blood sugar dips and peaks can play havoc with our energy levels, hormone balance, mood and stress levels and of course, if severe enough, can potentially lead to type II diabetes. This is why having wholegrains rather than refined carbs to prevent this happening is so important.’

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