5 best foods for your period

20 April 2017 by
First published: 20 November 2016

Had enough of menstrual cramps? Here the 5 best foods for your period. As many of us are all too familiar with the pain that comes with our periods every month. It’s not a particularly fun time, but can be made even worse if you don’t include the right foods in your diet. As we’re sure you already know, you can be prone to bad skin, stomach cramps, fatigue and weight gain before and during menstruation. You may think your only option is to curl up in the foetal position, hug a hot water bottle and weather the storm, but this isn’t the case. By eating the best foods for your period, you can alleviate your discomfort and stay on top form during your time of the month.

Calcium-rich foods

Consuming foods containing calcium can significantly reduce your risk of experiencing PMS. It’s widely known that our bodies need calcium to strengthen our bones. However, increased levels of calcium can also help to ease the pain caused by menstrual cramps – as it can help to maintain muscle tone. Eating yoghurt during your period is a great way to balance your calcium levels. However, too much dairy during your period can lead to more discomfort rather than less. If you’d prefer to avoid dairy, you can opt for other calcium-rich foods such as kale, broccoli, spinach and almonds.


It’s essential that omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into your diet, as they support brain function and aid your development from a very young age. On top of that, omega-3 fatty acids can be a huge help during your period to ease the pain caused by menstrual cramps. Avocados contain alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 acid. Not only do avocados taste amazing and can be eaten with pretty much anything, but it’s been discovered that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and period pain.

 Dark chocolate

It’s very common to have cravings for sweet treats before and during your period. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to resort to eating unhealthy food to satisfy your cravings. Rather than automatically reach for the Maltesers when you sense a craving coming on, stock your fridge with dark chocolate instead. Chocolate reduces stress, releases endorphins and is high in magnesium, which will soothe your aching muscles. Dark chocolate is an amazing source of antioxidants so, in addition to its muscle-relaxing properties, it’s also incredibly good for your wellbeing as a whole.


Bananas are incredibly versatile. You can eat a banana as a snack for energy, mix a banana with your morning porridge, or throw a banana in the mix when blending a healthy smoothie. However, you may not be aware of how great bananas are for combating bloating, something that many women have to deal with when on their period. Bananas are a fantastic source of potassium, a mineral which, when consumed, reduces water retention and so reduces the appearance of bloating as a result. Don’t let your period make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Go bananas!


Another fruit that is definitely worth adding to your fruit salad during your time of the month is pineapple. This spiky little number contains bromelain, an enzyme that is believed to relax muscles. By relaxing your muscles, pineapples can also soothe the annoying monthly pain caused by menstrual cramps. If you enjoy sipping on a refreshing drink throughout the day to keep you hydrated, then consider pineapple juice. It will taste great and do a whole lot of good at the same time.