10 ways to beat the post-summer blues

20 April 2017 by
First published: 9 September 2016

It’s that time of year again. Summer is drawing to a close and we’re not best pleased about it. We may only get a few days of actual sunshine in the UK, but that doesn’t make it any less painful when the temperature starts to drop. However, all is not lost, as we may know how to turn that frown upside down. Here are 10 ways to beat the post-summer blues. You can thank us later.

Thanks for the memories

Keep the summer alive by going through all of your holiday photos. You may have only been away a week or two ago, but reminiscing about the fun times you had in the sun is a great way to relive your adventures, whether you travelled abroad or enjoyed time at home with friends and family.

Maintain your tan

The last thing you want is for your tan to fade as soon as the weather becomes dreary. You can maintain your glow by using the Clarins Self Tanning After Sun Moisturiser. This hydrating cream will replenish your skin’s moisture, keep your skin feeling soft and smooth and deepen your tan for longer.

Keep working out

If you’ve started to enjoy a routine of healthy eating and lots of exercise for the summer, don’t stop! Leading a balanced lifestyle shouldn’t be a seasonal trend – it should be how you live your life from January until December. For now, being fit will boost your mood and banish your post-summer blues!

Take some vitamin D

The less the sun appears, the less vitamin D your body produces. This vitamin supports your bones, teeth, muscles and immune system. To make up for your lack of exposure to sunlight, you can either eat foods that are rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, sardines and eggs, or you can take supplements, such as Holland & Barrett’s Vitamin D3 Tablets.

Plan your next adventure

What better way to cheer yourself up about the end of summer than by planning your next adventure? Whether you decide to take a road trip across the country or even choose a holiday destination for next summer, looking forward to the future is the best way to put a smile on your face.

Be bright and colourful

One of the best parts of summer is all the bright colours that we see around every corner, from the clear, blue sky to the fresh, green grass. Just because it’s getting colder doesn’t mean everything has to fade to grey. Wear vibrant clothes and stand out from the crowd!

Get busy

One particular reason why everyone loves summer so much is that there’s so much to do. It seems as if as soon as the sun disappears, there’s nothing interesting to do, which is absolutely not the case. Do some research and find out about fun events that you can go to in the upcoming months.

Just keep glowing

Who doesn’t love that radiant glow that comes with spending time in the sun? (While using sun protection, of course). Even when the summer’s over, you can keep glowing with the help of Charlotte Tilbury’s Filmstar Bronze & Glow, in Sun Tan & Sun Light. Nothing can dull your shine!

Be uplifted

Everyone has that one film or song that can bring them up when they’re feeling down. You’re going to be spending more time indoors anyway, so you might as well be cosied up on the sofa watching You’ve Got Mail, or be relaxing in a bubble bath listening to the ‘Happy Hits’ playlist on Spotify.

Treat your taste buds

The end of the summer may mean no more barbecues, Pimm’s or ice lollies, but the beginning of autumn brings a host of other delicious food to treat your taste buds. Steamy soups, yummy roasted vegetables and scrumptious apple crumbles are all on the menu. We can’t wait!