10 ways to beat the Monday blues

20 April 2017 by
First published: 18 July 2016

There’s something about Mondays that makes everyone feel a bit down in the dumps. The weekend is officially over and it’s time to start the working week. However, Mondays don’t have to be all gloom and doom. We have the solution, with 10 ways to beat the Monday blues!


  • Have a good rest on Sunday night

Waking up on a Monday morning feeling groggy is definitely not how you should start your week. You may want to stay up late binge-watching Orange Is The New Black, but it can wait till later. Get some shut-eye – you’ll feel so much better for it the next day.


  • Wake up to some banging tunes

The right music can completely transform your mood. Scrap that annoying iPhone buzzing as your alarm in the morning. Instead, pick out your favourite upbeat song, or set a radio station to wake up to. You’re bound to get out of bed with a bounce in your step.


  • Kickstart your day with a delicious breakfast

We’re taught growing up that we should never skip breakfast, and that still applies when we’re grown ups ourselves. It’s not a childhood myth that a good breakfast is key for a productive day. It’s never nice heading to work on an empty stomach!


  • Lighten your commute with the perfect playlist

An amazing tune set can do wonders for your mood, especially during your boring commute to work. Just because everyone else on the tube looks miserable it doesn’t mean you have to be!


  • Smile

Smiling has been scientifically-proven to improve your mood. Even if you don’t feel like it, cracking out a grin can brighten your day. Plus, smiling is incredibly infectious. People will take notice of your happy-go-lucky attitude and forget that it’s Monday altogether!


  • Treat yourself during the day

A little treat every now and then can go a long way. If you find yourself struggling to make it through the beginning of the week, whipping out a yummy snack can make all the difference between a good day and a bad day. Lift your spirits by treating yourself sometimes!


  • Make plans for the week

One of the best ways to make time fly by is to look forward to something coming up in the future. Making plans for the rest of the week and the weekend will make your Monday go by in the blink of an eye.


  • Keep yourself busy

Mondays are bad enough without being bored. Keeping your mind occupied will help pass the time and distract you from feeling too grouchy about the weekend being over. Make a to-do list and keep on ticking those boxes until the day’s over!


  • Spread some happiness around

You’re not the only one who thinks that Mondays suck. It’s worth keeping an eye out for any friends or colleagues who may be feeling the Monday blues as well and doing what you can to cheer them up. Spread the happiness and you’ll feel great too!


  • Remind yourself that you have one less day to go until the weekend!

The weekend may be over, but the next weekend is now only five days away, which in the scheme of things is barely any time at all. Plus, the weekend is way more fun when you’ve been looking forward to it all week. Keep reminding yourself that it’s not long to go. Stick in there – Mondays aren’t all bad!