10 stress hacks

7 October 2015 by
First published: 7 November 2014
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8. Mindfulness

Everyone seems to be talking about mindfulness at the moment. It’s all too easy to spend most of our time fretting about the past or feeling worried about the future, whereas all the happiness and calm we need is right here and now, in the present moment. To practise mindfulness meditation, sit comfortably and close your eyes. For 10 minutes, notice the feeling of the rise and fall of your chest or belly as you breathe, or the feeling of the air going in and out of your nostrils. If your mind wanders, bring it back to noticing your breath. Now, this may not be easy! The mind does love to wander off. Just remember it’s called meditation ‘practice’ for a reason and that you don’t need to be ‘good’ at it straight away. For classes, check out your local Buddhist centre.

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