Should the gym selfie be banned?

5 August 2015 by
First published: 13 August 2015

We love a good post-workout snap but a new poll poses the question, should the gym selfie be banned?


According to research by Les Mills UK almost a quarter of gym-goers take gym selfies. But is snapping your abs or your new gym kit mid workout really a great idea?


Well according to the poll almost 40% of people asked thought that selfie taking should be banned in the gym! To be fair, mobile phones can be a real distraction if you’re supposed to be working up a sweat and burning off last night’s pizza! And who doesn’t love a bit of quiet time away from your work email or your mum’s text messages pinging every five minutes? So maybe the phones are best left in the locker room.


On the other hand, regular gym selfies can help you to monitor your progress and can be a great way to show off your hard work – to both you and your friends! Plus, if you’re anything like us, we find gym selfies from sports personalities and super-fit gym bods like Kayla Itsines pretty inspiring.


So, while you won’t catch us lost in our Instagram feeds mid spin class, we reckon the odd gym selfie can be a great way to keep motivation high and your goals on track.