5 great excuses to buy new gym kit

7 October 2015 by
First published: 30 May 2014

Gym wardrobe looking a bit drab? Need an excuse to get your purse out and hit the shops? Looks no further! We’ve sorted you out with five great excuses to buy new gym kit. Spangly new leggings here we come!


1. You need two pairs of trainers because…

Any serious fitness fan needs the right trainers for the right activity. A great pair of running trainers are not the greatest shoes for lifting weights. The more varied routine, the more pairs of shoes you can justify!


2. You need new leggings because…

It’s summer and you can’t be expected to wear full-length leggings in this heat! It’s all about capris right now – and shorts for the brave of course!


3. You need a fancy new hairband because…

How is a girl supposed to give her all in circuit class with sweaty hair matted to her brow? And hair in her eyes? Yup that’s pretty much a safety hazard in our book! Fetch me your finest hair band!


4. You need more tank tops because…

You work out, and you work out hard! So there’s no way you’re re-wearing that top from Tuesday’s sweaty spin class. In the wash it goes! At this rate you’ll need a top for every day of the week. Time to hit the shops! Check out summer’s hottest gym luxe.


5. You need more trainer socks because…

You can’t remember the last time you actually wore a matching pair. Seriously, where do you they go?! One six-pack of sparkling white trainer socks please!