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Five post-gym skincare rules
First published: 20 September 2017

Molly HorneShare This
Five post-gym skincare rules
Five post-gym skincare rules you need in your life.
We all know exercising has many benefits for body and wellbeing, but working out can also have less than positive effects on your skin.
Blocked pores, skin inflammation and hidden bacteria can affect skin post-workout if you don’t take action. Don’t let your biggest workout give you an even bigger breakout, check out our 5 post-gym skincare rules to keep your skin looking radiant.
Wipe down carefully
Sweating is a great way to detoxify your skin, but bacteria can easily be spread after touching equipment that has been used by gym-goers before you. First things first, try not to touch your face after your workout and if possible wipe your face with a clean towel. This will minimise the number of germs left on the skin that could cause infections and breakouts to your skin, says New York City dermatologist Dr. Julie Russak, Founder and CEO of Russak Dermatology Clinic.
Cool Cleanse
One of the best things to do post-workout is to remove sweaty clothing as soon as possible and cleanse your body. Hot water can strip the surface of the skin of its vital, natural oils, so opt for a quick cool shower instead. ‘Shower and wash hair with pH balanced and, ideally, natural and sulphate free products,’ Margaret Weeds, founder of natural skincare brand Odylique. She adds that showering with cool water will help close pores. Take the plunge and think of the skin benefits!
Moisture and balance
Our skin goes through a lot when we exercise. ‘Being make-up free pre-workout, your skin should only now need hydrating and balancing, preferably with a good “clean and green” natural pH balanced toner,’ says Margaret. She also suggests using a ‘light moisturiser if skin is dry, as it is still ultra-receptive and readily absorbs what is applied to it’. However, if you have oily skin, Margaret proposes trying a ‘good acid balanced toner’ to help close pores and replace the ‘acid mantle of the skin’ which protects it from bacterial infection.
Drink plenty of water
Hydration is key when it comes to clear skin. Dr Julie Russak advises to keep a water bottle close to you, ‘because your body loses so much more moisture in heated environments, you’ll need to keep hydrating post-workout for your skin to recover.’ Prefer a post workout shake? Add in a little coconut water – it is filled with potassium which plays a massive part in re-hydration.
Spritz your face
Trying to fit in that workout during your lunch break? Sometimes we have little to no time to fully scrub, tone and moisture our skin. However, Margaret suggests using skin-kind products to maintain skin benefits post-workout as it’s protective natural acid will mantle restoring moisture. ‘A balancing tonic spritz based on a natural plant extract like pure rosewater, such as Odylique’s Calming Rose Super Tonic, makes a super skin refresher for face and body and a stand-alone moisturiser for combination to oily skin,’ says Margaret.