Sexy summer skin

10 June 2014 by
First published: 13 June 2014

As the sun starts poking its head out and we move into the summer season, it’s time to rethink your skincare regime. We asked top beauty specialist and skincare adviser Malvina Fraser for her top tips on getting sexy summer skin.


What should we be doing differently in summer?
Summer is all about upping the moisture factor, while letting skin breathe. ‘When it comes to our skincare routine, it is essential to make some changes depending on the different seasons,’ says Malvina. ‘We change our wardrobes to coincide with each season so why not do the same with our skin? During the summer months I would recommend swapping your moisturiser for a light serum so that your pores don’t clog up, giving your skin time to breathe. When it comes to cleansing the skin, swap your normal cleanser for one which has more surfactants (i.e. more foamy) as well as double cleansing at least twice a week to rid the skin of excess dirt.’


What about your beauty routine?
Getting that that glow is all about looking after your skin first. Then using make-up to enhance it. ‘Working within the skincare industry I have come to find that less is always more,’ says Malvina. ‘If you take extra care of your skin you are halfway there to a glowing complexion. Here are a couple of beauty secrets I live by which are easy to incorporate into your daily beauty routine.’


  1. Exfoliation is key to a healthy complexion and should be done once or twice a week using a home-made sea salt scrub or loofah while in the shower.


  1. Not taking your make-up off is definitely the biggest beauty crime. Our skin is alive with bacteria, which we can’t see or feel, therefore maintaining good hygiene is vital.


  1. When applying facial creams and serums, ensure you work the product right up to the hairline. At night, don’t be afraid to go over the hairline- this small area often gets neglected but it is just as important as the others.


And summer is a great time for a make-up bag makeover. ‘When going through your skincare products and makeup, the best philosophy to have is “out with the old and in with the new!”,’ says Malvina. ‘We are all guilty of holding onto our lotions and potions for far too long or not washing our make-up tools enough. By giving yourself a thorough spring clean it will in turn work wonders on your skin and Feng Shui your mind.’ Top of your clean out check list should be washing your tools, disinfecting any eye tools and checking the dates on products!


What about sun protection?
If you’re not stocking up on factor high factor face cream already, you should be.‘We all know about the dangers of UV rays when not wearing the correct protection,’ says Malvina. ‘Not only is it dangerous to our health but it is also one of the main reasons behind skin ageing.’ And the numbers speak for themselves. ‘Ninety per cent of skin ageing is secondary to sun damage, which causes a breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin,’ says Malvina. ‘This leads to the dreaded crow’s feet at the sides of our eyes. Try to shade your face at all times to avoid squinting.’ A stylish pair of sunnies are a great way to do the job, too – just saying!


Are there any key products you should invest in?
Good-quality products that are well-matched to your skin type are essential to get that glow.‘There are a number of essential products which should be included within your bathroom cabinet,’ says Malvina. ‘The first is to make sure that you have a good quality cleanser which is suitable for your skin type – oily, dry or combination skin. It is also important to invest in a good quality moisturiser. A good set of make-up brushes that are gentle on your skin is also a must.’

Malvina Fraser has just launched her own range of anti-aging products including cutting edge creams and serums. For more information please visit