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The secrets of our favourite health goddesses
First published: 5 March 2015

Vickie NeaveShare This
If good health and wellbeing are what you’re after, you could really learn a lot from the secrets of our favourite health goddesses. Let us mere mortals step into their shoes for just one day and see if we can rub us off some goddess traits.
Aurora (AKA Sleeping Beauty) – Goddess of the dawn
Health goddess: She rises early from a blissful unbroken sleep and obviously enjoys a morning meditation pose before the day even begins. She’s now mindful of the day approaching and yet thankful for the day that has passed.
Mere mortal: An arm reaches out from under the duvet smacking the snooze button for the umpteenth time. Eventually she falls out of bed getting entangled in yesterdays bra which sat amongst the mayhem on the floor. The Brucey Bonus being she inadvertently created the perfect lotus headstand position. She’s mindful of the mess and thankful to have not broken any bones.
The health goddess has mastered the early morning training and has it in the bag before we’ve even had our morning wee! Set yourself one day a week to wake like a goddess and just spare a thought for her on the days you hit the snooze button as she must be cream-crackered.
Fernandez-Versini (AKA Cheryl) – Goddess of hair and beauty
HG: As if the au natural barely-there-it’s-hardly-noticeable subtle glow make-up wasn’t enough, the health goddess has also perfected the humble ponytail. Sleek yet not stuck down, gently swaying as she works out, never smacking her round the chops as she runs. Just writing about this mythical creature is winding me up no end.
MM: Working out with make-up on for those of us without any goddess status and who have indeed never even been to Greece would mean one thing. Alice Cooper. Ditto for the hair. An uncontrollable frizz that fights against you while working out with more and more hair escaping the hairband with each burpee performed.
Let us continue to worship such beautiful beings and not harbour these envious feelings as they’ll only fuel negativity which is totally un-goddess like. Instead, follow these simply steps to create the perfect ponytail.
Unlike other up dos, the ponytail likes clean hair – who knew? Slightly damp hair will hold tighter around the sides trapping shorter layers as it dries. High ponies add a mini facelift, while low ones make for a sleeker look.
Nigella (AKA Nigella Lawson) – Goddess of food
HG: Not only does she eat pure, organic and wholesome meals, but – as her impressive Twitter following (going up even as I type) will confirm – her presentation is just as delicious. Each and every meal is not only created to calorific and dietary perfection but is served delivering an a la carte experience.
MM: Burnt on the bottom or simply soggy, Mary Berry would have a field day with her saucy innuendos with a mortal’s attempts at kale crisps and the Instagram snap gets mistaken for a bowl of potpourri.
Cooking from scratch is a great way of being completely in control of what goes in your body so take a look through the chosen health goddesses you follow on Instagram and instead of simply hitting the ‘like’ button, actually make the meal. These social media idols of ours tend to be jolly decent folk who share recipes so get cooking. Serve it up on whatever plate you have going spare, do not source a co-ordintaing placemat or pick fresh flowers to create a photographic masterpiece. Just eat it and enjoy.