The lowdown on cellulite

21 May 2014 by
First published: 21 May 2014

Every wondered where that pesky dimply effect on your legs comes from? And why it’s so hard to budge? We chat to Lucy Herring, senior skincare specialist at VOYA – the luxury organic skin and body care experts from the sea – about this annoying beauty issue and get the lowdown on cellulite.


What is cellulite?

Essentially it’s caused by fat showing through the skin. ‘Cellulite is persistent fat that causes dimpling of the skin,’ says Lucy. ‘It is formed when fat expands and is pushed up against the top layers of the skin, creating a dimpled surface.’ And it’s your lower body that tends to be the hardest hit. ‘Cellulite typically occurs in women on their hips and thighs.’ And there are different types of cellulite, too. Who knew? ‘Adipose cellulite is an orange peel effect on the skin, but oedematous cellulite is fluid retention and soft dimpling,’ says Lucy. It also comes in different grades!


Grade 1: No visible cellulite even when the skin is pinched.

Grade 2: No visible cellulite yet an orange peel texture can be seen when the skin is pinched.

Grade 3: Cellulite is visible when standing, but may disappear when lying down.

Grade 4: Visible cellulite when standing and lying down.


Why does almost everyone get it?

Think you’re the only one worrying about dimply skin? Think again. ‘Over 80% of women over the age of 20 will have some form of cellulite,’ says Lucy.

‘Women have a thin epidermis (top layer of the skin) which is less resilient to structural changes and so disfiguration and dimpling is more obvious than in men.’ But your genes may also be to blame. ‘Cellulite is often hereditary: if your mother has it, you’re likely to as well,’ says Lucy.


What are the key things that cause cellulite?

Lifestyle can play a big factor. ‘It has been suggested that a poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking can cause and increase chances of having cellulite in any form,’ says Lucy. Want to give it the heave-ho? Check out our top tips for shifting dimples here.


Is anyone more prone to it?

Those who don’t live a particularly healthy lifestyle are prime targets for cellulite. ‘Those who are overweight, have poor circulation and do not exercise are more prone to cellulite. Also those who regularly consume fizzy drinks and smoke are more likely to have cellulite,’ says Lucy. Give your lifestyle a speedy cellulite friendly overhaul with our top tips here.