Instant look younger tips

20 March 2014 by
First published: 24 March 2014

Want to take off the years in a matter of minutes? Check out our top instant look younger tips

Get more sleep…
Ok so you may not need any encouragement to get a few more zzzs, but hitting the hay for some quality snooze time will banish those under eye bags. A Swedish study at the Karolinska Institute found that a good eight hours of sleep can help to reduce puffiness, boost your complexion and reduce the appearance of fine lines and dropping at the corners of the mouth – leaving your with a more youthful appearance. Aim for seven to nine hours a night to reap the benefits.

Drink up!
Plenty of H2O will keep skin hydrated – and keep it looking plumper, and smoother in turn. Keep a large bottle of water on your desk and top up your glass whenever it’s empty. And always carry a bottle of water when you’re on the go, especially if you’re flying.

Go creamy
Invest in a good moisturiser to keep skin in tip-top condition – Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Day Cream is a real hit with our team and contains SPF15. But don’t overdo it on the anti-ageing products if you’re still in your twenties and thirties – some anti-ageing creams can be a bit too harsh for young skin. Save the big guns for your later years when your skin may need some more serious help.

Take a supp
Omega-3 is a powerhouse of goodness for your skin. It’s thought to help to keep skin hydrated, supple and wrinkle-free – as a result of its link to sun protection. Your best natural sources of omega-3 are oily fish, seeds and flaxseed. But if you’re struggling to get enough you can always top up with a good omega-3 supplement such as Holland and Barrett’s Omega-3 Fish Oil (£18.69,

Boost your barnet
Your hair is one of the first things people see when they look at you and it can make a big impression. Dry and damaged hair can age you, so make sure you’re religious with those hair masks. A good cut and colour are essential and can take years off your look. Book in for a consultation with your stylist and talk to them about going for a younger or more modern look. You’ll be amazed at the difference a quick cut and colour can make!