Cellulite busters

7 October 2015 by
First published: 9 February 2014

The dreaded orange-peel effect can play havoc with your Spring/Summer wardrobe choices. But if you get to work early, you can shift those dimples before the sun starts to shine and bikinis and short skirts become the standard uniform! It’s time to clean up your act and give your skin some real TLC to get perfect pins in time for summer. Not sure where to start? Check out our top tips. 

1. Cut back on the caffeine and alcohol

Drinking too much caffeine and a few too many cocktails is thought to encourage cellulite. So swap your morning latte for a healthier herbal tea today and save those alcohol-fuelled tipples for special occasions to give your legs their best shot at smooth skin come summer.

2. Upgrade your beauty routine

Add dry body brushing to your morning ritual to give skin a boost and help banish that bumpy effect. It’s the perfect way to boost your circulation and stimulate the skin to boost lymphatic drainage. For best results, always brush towards your heart.


3. Get the professionals on the case

Spas across the country offer a fantastic range of cellulite treatments designed to rid your body of toxins and boost the circulation. Check out the Elemis Cellutox Aroma Spa Wrap and the ESPA Slim and Contour Anti-Cellulite Hip & Thigh Treatment


4. Invest in some good products

The market is awash with cellulite creams. As ever, if you’re prepared to pay a bit more, you’re likely to get better results. But what’s really important is to commit to slapping it on every day! Keep it in your bathroom, in your gym bag and by your nightstand to ensure your legs get a regular going over. And don’t worry if it tingles a bit, that’s usually a sign it’s getting to work!


5. Have a jiggle

Power Plate classes are a great way to get that circulation going – and help you tone up and blast fat while you’re at it. The vibrating plate stimulates the skin, boosting circulation, which in turn helps to flush out any toxins. Check out goodvibesfitness.co.uk for classes, or simply jump on a machine at your local gym.

WHL recommends:

Bliss Fat Girl Sleep Cellulite Cream, £32.70, gorgeousshop.co.uk

Soap&Glory The Firminator, £12, boots.com

Clarins Body Lift Cellulite Control, £36, clarins.co.uk