Beauty resolutions you need to make

9 January 2015 by
First published: 17 January 2015
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This year, why not vow to be kinder to your skin? These are the beauty resolutions you need to make.

As we wave goodbye to 2014 we set our sights on that #newyearnewyou motto and rattle our brains for a resolution like weight loss, being kinder and putting an end to procrastination. But did you know there are tons of beauty resolutions you can make, too? Well, here are a fabulous few from Beth Margetts, professional make-up expert at The London Makeup School.

1. Stop sleeping in make-up

Beauty resolutions you need to make - We Heart Living
We’re all guilty of this from time to time. After a long day, or maybe a long night out on the tiles, it’s easy to doze off to sleep in a full face of make-up or just a half-attempt to remove it with one insufficient cleansing wipe. We forget just how important it is to allow the skin to breathe and restore itself during the night, but this can’t be achieved if you’re not bare-faced.

Beth says: ‘Always wash your face before you go to bed. Cleansing wipes aren’t enough. Dirt and make-up will clog your skin, preventing it from doing vital repair work and letting your skin breathe while you sleep; it’s not called beauty sleep for nothing!’

To efficiently remove your makeup Beth recommends trying Bobbi Brown Lathering Tube Soap (£21,

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