6 things you can do to get healthy hair

19 August 2015 by
First published: 27 August 2015

We caught up with Iain Sallis, director of Hairmedic and Trichologist, who gave us his top 6 things you can do to get healthy hair – just like you’ve always wanted.


1. Eat lots of protein
Studies have shown that when sheep and goats were given a high dose supplement of sulphur-rich amino acids they produced almost twice the amount of wool at twice the thickness compared with the control group of the same flock who did not have the supplement. Now, I understand we are not sheep, but the theory is sound. So if you want to maximise your hair growth/health potential, then start eating lots of good quality red meat, oily fish and plenty of nuts.


2. Take supps

You can also take a protein supplement such as Hairjelly, designed specifically for hair health. These supplements have specific sulphur-rich amino acids, which are great for the general health of the hair – and it’s something that our modern diets are usually lacking in.


3. Treat it kindly

Much of the reason why hair becomes damaged is due to the ends becoming over-processed and snapping off due to repetitive use of straighteners (and constant bleaching of the hair). So look after the ends as well as what’s inside!


4. Use regular treatments

The best ones on the market are pre-shampoo treatments or the night-time conditioners that have a long time to work on penetrating the hair and adding that lost moisture. Failing all this, you can make up your own masks for home use. All you need is: 2 eggs, 3oz plain yoghurt, ½oz olive oil, ½oz lemon juice, ½oz water and 1 ripe avocado. Whisk in a blender set in the fridge for a day and you’re good to go! A perfect pre-shampoo treatment.


5. Check your levels

Make sure you are not suffering from any types of vitamin or mineral deficiencies. If you feel physically tired and have reason to question your health, visit your GP for a full MOT. Lowered levels of minerals such as iron and zinc can have a detrimental effect to your hair growth and the condition of it.


6. Go for a haircut!

Getting the dry, over-styled split ends taken off will ensure your hair feels in tip-top condition.