5 things you can do to save your nails

5 August 2015 by
First published: 12 August 2015

Left your nails to fend for themselves? Check out our top 5 things you can do to save your nails to restore them to their former glory.


Problem: Weak and peeling 

Solution: If they’re one or the other, it’s time to cut those talons short and keep them that way for some time. Weak or peeling nails will continue to break and peel unless you intervene with some clippers yourself. Better to cut and shape them while you have the chance than run the risk of your troublesome nails catching on to something and making matters worse!


Problem: Dry with hang-nails

Solution: I can’t recommend the use of nail oils enough. It doesn’t matter if I have a cuticle or nail oil specifically to hand, I’ll slather it on across both cuticle and nail to give them both some serious nourishing and TLC. If the hang-nails persist, use a cuticle cutter to snip. DO NOT pull. Or tear. Or bite. The satisfaction will not be worth the pain.


Problem: Sore and bitten down 

Solution: Many women find it impossibly difficult to restrain themselves from biting their nails and biting deterrents don’t seem to make much difference. What I have found does help however, is seeing how good your nails can look when they have been professionally seen to. People are less likely to nibble on a fresh mani than a half-handed three-min job they did at home. Book yourself for a mani and if it works for you, it might be worth thinking about a monthly pamper slot (ridding yourself of sore and bitten down nails is a good excuse for a standing appointment)!


Problem: Stained and dirt-prone 

Solution: Nail brushes are great for getting rid of grime underneath your nails and around your cuticles but if your nails seem to attract dirt like a magnet, keep your nails short and tidy to prevent it from building up in the first place. Stained nails will be down to one of three things: not using a base coat, the shade of colour you’ve recently been using (dark, white/creamy, orange/red/pink) or having left the polish on for too long. Give them a file, buff and let your nails ‘breathe’ for a few weeks.


Problem: Overgrown cuticles

Solution: People often think that the solution to this is to cut all your cuticles. Wrong. Overgrown cuticles, whether they’re growing excessively, unevenly or onto your nail bed, can be managed. After five minutes in the shower or bath, your cuticles will have softened enough to be able to push back. I recommend using the end of your nail to do this rather than a metal tool as it’ll prevent you from causing more damage and you can also feel how much pressure you’re putting on your cuticles. Don’t push too hard; just a slight nudge after each shower is enough and you’ll notice the difference soon after!