Why you should be lifting heavier weights

29 July 2015 by
First published: 9 June 2015
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Girls who lift

You only have to check the #girlswholift hashtag on social media or look at fitness bloggers and weight-training advocates like Carly Rowena and Julia Buckley to see the benefits for yourself. Julia knows only too well the struggles of spending hours of cardio and not seeing the desired results. Her book, The Fat Burn Revolution, outlines how to train for fat loss, focusing on short, fast bursts of high intensity cardio with lifting heavy weights.
‘I learned to train in a way that would boost my metabolism and increase my strength with “real” weights,’ she explains. ‘I switched to more intense sessions with moves that challenged my whole body and left me totally spent in quite a short amount of time, gearing my body towards fat burning and explosive power.’


Top 5 tips for beginner weight lifting

If you’re new to weight training and are unsure where to start, fear not – here are our top five tips to get you going!


1. Book a PT session
The weights area can be a daunting place, even if you’re already a regular gym-goer. Book a session (or few) with a PT and learn what to do, when do to it and, more importantly, how to do it with correct form.


2. Mix it up
Mix up your circuits to keep progressing and work different muscle groups. Barbells and dumbbells are great, but don’t forget the medicine balls, TRX, power bags and kettlebells. Again, make sure you know what you’re doing and do it safely.


3. Work to failure
Choose a weight that challenges you, and work until you simply cannot lift anymore. You’ll burn twice as many calories lifting heavier for eight reps as you will with lighter weights for 15.


4. Listen to your body

Don’t overdo it and get injured. If your knees are hurting when you lunge, adjust your form or do something else. You shouldn’t feel pain when working out – just that lovely muscle burn.


5. Make it a habit

It takes 21 repetitions to make something a habit – two or three sessions a week and you’ll be on your way in no time!


Read Tess Agnew’s blog at thefitbits.co.uk

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