Two-point box

21 July 2017 by
First published: 14 July 2014

Train your balance and core strength with the safe and simple two-point box

If your core is weak, you’ll know about it. The most common complaint is a sore lower back, particularly after exercising. This is normally because the core gets pretty tired during exercise – pretty much all moves require stability, balance and drive through the core, so it doesn’t often get a proper rest while you’re working out. It’s what keeps you standing on those long runs and on your bike while you’re out pushing the pedals.

Start on all fours, with knees under hips and hands under shoulders.
Keeping your body still and hips square, lift your left arm out in front of you and your right leg out behind you. Hold for 20-60 seconds depending on your ability level then change sides.

Top tips:

Draw your belly button towards your spine.

Don’t overarch your lower back – keep it natural.

Keep your shoulders back and try not to hunch the upper back.