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Tricep exercises
First published: 12 December 2013
Joanna KnightShare This
Great arms will give you buckets of confidence when it comes to the summer months. So what are you waiting for? Get started now, with our pick of the top tricep exercises, to enjoy gorgeously strong and sexy arms when the sun shines again.
Choose your level for these tricep exercises:
Beginner: 3×5 reps
Intermediate: 3×10 reps
Advanced: 3×15 reps
Tricep dips
Sit on the edge of a box or step with your hands on the box either side of your body (fingers facing forward).
Shuffle your feet forward and bottom off the box so that your bodyweight is distributed between your hands and feet. Your legs should be straight and your bottom should be close to the box.
Keeping your hands and elbows close to your body, bend your arms to lower your body toward the floor.
Go as low as you comfortably can, then push back up to the starting position. Repeat for the allocated reps.
To make this exercise easier, bend your knees. To make it harder place your legs on another box.
Tricep extensions
Stand with you feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell or weight plate in both hands above your head.
Slowly lower the weight behind your head as far as is comfortable. Keep your elbows high and arms close to your head. Lift back up the start position, this is one rep. Repeat.
Use the heaviest weights you feel you can without losing form.
Tricep press-ups
Start in plank position, with you hands no wider than shoulder-width apart.
(Beginners should start with their knees on the floor.)
Keeping your elbows tucked into your body, bend your arms to lower your body toward the floor.
Just before you reach the floor, push back up to the starting position.
Repeat for the allotted reps.